The paper reports that an investigation has exposed examiners giving teachers secret advice on how to improve their GCSE and A-level results.
One chief examiner says the paper has been secretly recorded by this newspaper telling teachers which questions their pupils could expect in the next round of exams.
The Times also has an exclusive as the paper reveals that taxpayers will foot the bill for a further £2 billion on a failed NHS IT project even though the Government has already pulled the plug on it
An investigation by the paper has unearthed a tale of risk-taking, mismanagement and broken promises for which taxpayers will pay the price.
Day three of the Indy's investigation into Bell Pottinger reveals that the company made hundreds of alterations to Wikipedia entries about its clients in the last year.
The paper adds that several Wikipedia accounts have been suspended pending an investigation by the co-founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, who last night expressed his dismay at Bell Pottinger's "ethical blindness".
The Eurozone and the problems for the Prime Minister are mounting.According to the Guardian,David Cameron will arrive in Brussels tonight, buffeted by the conflicting pressures of a Eurosceptic cabinet rebellion over an EU referendum and increasing isolation in key capitals across Europe.
Owen Paterson, the Northern Ireland Secretary, broke ranks by declaring that backing a more integrated eurozone would make it “inevitable” that the Prime Minister would have to give voters a say says the Telegraph whilst the Times adds that Boris Johnson heaped pressure on the Prime Minister, urging him to block plans to prop up the euro or risk courting further financial disaster
The Daily Mail urges the Prime Minister to stand up for British rights after he was "rocked yesterday by a Tory mutiny over Europe and a stunning put-down from Germany’s Angela Merkel.
The world is watching the situation in Russia very closely.Tens of thousands say they are prepared to take to the streets in biggest challenge yet to Putin's government reports the Guardian
Whilst the Independent reports the comments of former leader Mikhail Gorbachev,who has called on Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to hold new elections
And the presidential race is hooting uo in America where as the Guardian reports Mitt Romney, made a scathing attack on Barack Obama,calling for regime change in Iran and said that the US should make clear to Tehran that it is "developing military options".
Meanwhile the former governor of Illinois,Rod Blagojevich was sentenced to 14 years in prison yesterday for attempting to sell President Obama’s vacant Senate seat says the Times.
Back to the UK and the Sun reports on some unfestive spirit from the North East where a dad had his finger bitten off in a fight,at a school nativity play.
Parents,says the paper waiting excitedly for their kids' Christmas performance were horrified as another father stormed into the primary school hall and launched himself at the victim.
More bad spirit on the front of the Mirror which reports how a grey-haired woman,caught on camera, is a sick thief stealing flowers from the tomb of 11-year-old Robert Stringer who was killed by a car in 1980.
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