Tuesday, 27 January 2009

This scandal is a version of the dying days of Major

Many people are comparing the scandal in the Lords to the dying days of the last Tory government which was covered in political sleaze and scandal.

Writing in the Guardian this morning George Monbiot agrees saying that

the circle is closed. The government that won a landslide in 1997 after
Tory MPs were revealed to have taken cash for parliamentary questions now faces
far graver allegations: cash for laws. Along the way, almost every policy that
distinguished it from John Major's corrupt and pointless regime has been

And if the Sun captures the public mood then look no further than Fergus Shanahan who writes that

Why should we be surprised that Labour lords are renting themselves out like tarts on a street corner?
Decent behaviour at Westminster has been replaced by the morality of the brothel. Never mind arresting innocent Tories, shouldn’t Scotland Yard investigate Labour corruption?

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