Tuesday, 2 December 2008

15%,11% now just 1%

Back after a long weekend away.

Much on the Damien Green affair,many revelations coming out of the Mumbai terror attacks,Haringay Councils child policy on the line and the opinion polls all over the place.

The latest this morning gives the Tories a 1 point lead over Labour which after seperate polls showing a 15% and an 11% lead shows the volitity of the current situation.

The poll in this morning's Independent suggests that

the measures in last week's pre-Budget report (PBR), including a new 45p-in-the-pound top rate of tax on incomes over £150,000, have proved popular among Labour's core voters.
The survey, taken between Friday and Sunday, puts the Tories on 37 per cent (down two points on last month), Labour on 36 per cent (up five points), the Liberal Democrats on 17 per cent (up one point) and other parties on 10 per cent (down four points).

According to James Forsyth

This is drastically at odds with the other polls that have come out since the PBR which have shown increased Tory leads. It is even more surprising when you consider that ComRes's last poll has the Tories ahead by 11 points. I’m tempted to dismiss it as a rogue poll

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