Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Local MP welcomes Manchester cash to end gang and youth violence

The Government has announced 22 areas that will share £7.3 million in a bid to end gang and youth violence with Manchester getting the second largest handout.

The Ending Gang and Youth Violence Report, published last month, sets out Government plans to prioritise £10 million of Home Office investment in early intervention work in 2012-13 supporting up to 30 areas "most affected by gangs and youth violence".

Researchers used data on serious youth violence and local police intelligence on gang activity to identify 22 problem areas which were announced on Monday.

Birmingham is set to receive the most money, £1,285,036, with Manchester receiving the second biggest handout, £715,763, and Liverpool receiving the third largest amount, £566,643. The rest of the money is split across the London boroughs and across the country.

Commenting on the announcement Manchester Withington MP John Leech said,

“This is a welcome investment from the coalition government with Manchester receiving the second biggest handout at £715,763.”

“As Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Child and Youth Crime, we have been trying to tackle early intervention and prevention offering young people a pathway out of violence and gang culture. This money will provide practical help and support and I am pleased the government are listening to groups like the one I chair and delivering real help for young people.”

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