Monday, 12 December 2011

Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority has launched its second round of community waste funding

The authority’s £53,000 Community Fund will support community organisations that share their ambition of ‘Zero Waste to landfill’ and help deliver the 3Rs- Reduce, Re-use and Recycle across Greater Manchester.

This round of the community waste fund will focus on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). These WEEE items (large and small), should not be ending up in the general rubbish bin, and should instead be recycled, or better still, re-used!

Research has found that approximately 6,000 tonnes of small electrical items, e.g. hairdryers, portable radios, toasters are disposed of in household bins across Greater Manchester.

The fund is inviting community organisations to come forward with ideas to help take the WEEE little and big items out of the general rubbish and back into our lives, either fixed, or reprocessed into another gadget.

Councillor Neil Swannick, Chair of Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority (GMWDA) said: “The community fund is a great initiative to help increase the amount of electrical items which are re-used and recycled. We are very pleased to support projects that will not only benefit the environment, but also, as previous projects have demonstrated, bring many positives to communities in Greater Manchester. Working in partnership with communities will bring Greater Manchester another step closer to zero waste to landfill.”

Fir more information visit for further information on how to apply for the fund, or email

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