Tuesday 22 November 2011

Talking ourselves into recession? Two polls this morning suggest that

Well the Prime Minister certainly is with his comments to the CBI yesterday.

David Cameron,having seen the latest forecasts from the Office of Budget responsibility which will be published on November 29 alongside the chancellor’s autumn statement that there is a danger they will not be able to tackle borrowing on time as the global economy stands on the brink of a “chronic” debt-driven recession.

Meanwhile a populus poll in this morning's Times shows that 79 per cent of voters believe the country will fare “badly” over the next year against 18 per cent who think it will do “well”.

The confidence of voters in their own financial future is at its lowest ebb since the coalition was formed, according to the poll. Asked how they see themselves and their family doing over the next year, 61 per cent say “badly”, while 34 per cent say “well”.
The overall net result, a score of -27, is 9 points worse than when the question was asked in September.
It is the most pessimistic finding since July 2008, when it reached -34, on the eve of the banking crisis and credit crunch.

Another poll from the Guardian/ICM backs up the findings.That found that 57% of voters are not confident about the state of the economy,but a glimmer of hope for the coalition in that 30% continue to blame debts racked up by the last Labour government; only 24% blame the coalition's spending cuts.

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