Tuesday 1 December 2009

Tuesday's papers

The Sun leads with the news that Five British Yachtsman have benn apprehended by Iranian forces.

Our lads nabbed says the headline as it reports that

The men were grabbed while heading from Bahrain to Dubai to take part in a race.
The Foreign Office was last night battling to free the crew - Sam Usher, Olly Smith, Luke Porter, skipper Oliver Young and radio host Dave Bloomer.

They strayed just 500 yards into the country's territorial waters, it has emerged. says the Telegraph adding

It is thought the boat, which and carried a satellite tracker, inadvertently crossed the line while trying to avoid a restricted oilfield.

Gordon Brown's announcement of extra troops for Afghnanistan

Mr Brown confirmed that an extra 500 British troops would be deployed this month, taking the number of troops above 10,000. The country had a right to know about the brave and full role being played by the 500 or so Special Forces, who have previously not been included in the numbers of British Forces, he told MPs. says the Times

Meanwhile the Guardian reports that

The US is seeking to extend its control over the day-to-day running of Afghanistan with the appointment of an international "high representative" in Kabul in an attempt to bypass Hamid Karzai's much-criticised government.

The Telegraph leads with the story that nine out of 10 NHS trusts in England are failing to provide a good standard of cancer care compared with other countries,

According to the first government study of its kind, just 15 trusts match the highest survival rates in Europe for patients suffering from the three most common forms of the disease.

Now it's war says the Mail

Labour was accused of a 'pathological' opposition to supporting marriage by David Cameron yesterday as he promised a Tory government would reward every wedded couple.

Sea levels will rise by twice as much as previously predicted as a result of global warming, an important international study has concluded. says the Times
The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) calculated that if temperatures continued to increase at the present rate, by 2100 the sea level would rise by up to 1.4 metres — twice that predicted two years ago.

The Chilcott report continues into its second week and the Gaurdian reports that

Tony Blair made it clear to George Bush at a meeting in Texas 11 months before the Iraq invasion that he would be prepared to join the US in toppling Saddam Hussein, adding that

The prime minister repeatedly told the US president that British policy was to back United Nations attempts to seek Iraq's disarmament, Sir David Manning, his foreign policy adviser, told the inquiry.

Sir David's revelations came as Mr Blair denied allegations that he had gagged his top legal adviser, Lord Goldsmith, after the peer had questioned the legal grounds for invading Iraq. In an interview with CNN, Mr Blair stood by his decision to back the removal of Saddam. "One of the things you learn as a leader ... is that you have a responsibility to make decisions,"
reports the Independent

John Demjanjuk, the 89-year-old accused of being a Nazi death camp guard, began his war crimes trial in Munich on a stretcher. reports the Telegraph

Demjanjuk appeared a pathetic figure. On the opening day of what is likely to be Germany's last major Nazi war crimes trial, the 89-year-old was at one point hauled in on a stretcher, apparently too frail and too sick with Leukaemia to even respond to the judge's most basic questions.

A boy of four has been mauled to death by a family pet in front of his horrified grandmother.
reports the Mail

John-Paul Massey was grabbed by the dog - believed to be a white American bull mastiff bought as a 'status symbol' by his uncle - and shaken like a 'rag doll'.

A warning on the front of the Express as it reports that

Cheap foreign eggs have sparked a salmonella scare linked to two deaths and a surge in food poisoning cases, experts said last night.

Spanish eggs have been blamed for a tripling of salmonella cases. There are fears that eggs sold in catering and restaurant food are responsible.

1 comment:

Patrick said...

I see that the Lasting Tribute website has updated its memorial pages to include young John-Paul.


It's a very respectful memorial to him and somewhere to pay tribute.