Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Cancel the recession

It appears that all the pundits could have been wrong after all.

That is according to David Howell,former Tory Cabinet minister and former chairman of the Commons Foreign Affairs Committee who says

Economists get things wrong because in their tramline world they fail to appreciate the randomness and irrationality of human beings and their emotions, and the impact these things have on events. They try to apply highly precise, mathematical methods to materials and figures that are too vague to support such treatment

and that

If more growth just means more cars, more low-quality housing and more trashy supermarkets, the world would be better without it.

Starting to get interested-read on

Giant and remote utilities and retail empires, offering only endless recorded voices on the telephone, will give way to less soulless enterprises where it actually becomes possible to talk with a human being and where local taste and elegance will replace the universal junk that litters the world's supermarkets.
Down will go the Tescos and the Walmarts and the tasteless chainstores, undermining smaller and family businesses. Woolworth's has gone from Britain, and something altogether better, and on a more human scale, will grow in the place of these retail behemoths.

I wonder whether David Cameron has seen this

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