Monday, 24 November 2008

Osborne comes up smelling of roses

All the talk of the Pre Budget report seems to be og George Osborne who by all accounts made the speech of his life.

Regardless of the content he spoke not like a man close to the edge but one quite literally brimming with confidence.

Over at Conservative Home,they say that

George Osborne's response to the boomerang budget was outstanding. He showed genuine anger at the failure of Brown to prepare us for these difficult times.

Iain Dale meanwhile tells us

George Osborne gave a very strong performance today with some great attack lines. He received good support from Tory MPs and Labour MPs seemed surprised that his attacks were hitting home so well. If his position was in danger (which it wasn't!) it certainly isn't now. I just had a phone call from an MP friend of mine (not a Conservative) who said: "This wasn't George Osborne. It was Ozzy Osborne - drawing blood!"

And Iain Martin says

Whatever it was that David Cameron put in George Osborne's tea today, it certainly worked.
The Shadow Chancellor's attack on Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling was absolutely blistering and his best Commons performance to date.

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