Sunday, 1 June 2008

Can the Pope sort out our economy?

Will Hutton writing in this morning's Observer claims that

when it comes to reforming the unstable market economy, the Catholic church is leading where New Labour fears to tread

Pointing out that

Catholicism has outlasted both communism and socialism

although the religion's critics are right to point to the paradox of its championing of the poor with its own love of the good life and exquisite art, together with its extraordinary capacity to be as deft as any secular politician in the pursuit of its aims, there is an integrity, appeal and spirituality about its purpose that even an agnostic non-Catholic like me has to concede

His argument is that unlike New Labour

although the religion's critics are right to point to the paradox of its championing of the poor with its own love of the good life and exquisite art, together with its extraordinary capacity to be as deft as any secular politician in the pursuit of its aims, there is an integrity, appeal and spirituality about its purpose that even an agnostic non-Catholic like me has to concede

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